Small Business Administration: A Primer on Programs and Funding

June 27, 2018

The Small Business Administration (SBA) administers several types of programs to support small businesses, including loan guaranty and venture capital programs to enhance small business access to capital; contracting programs to increase small business opportunities in federal contracting; direct loan programs for businesses, homeowners, and renters to assist their recovery from natural disasters; and small business management and technical assistance training programs to assist business formation and expansion.



Justia works on free legal information projects. Justia is involved in online public interest projects, legal aid, civil rights, free legal and consumer information and educational projects. We have free case law, statutes and regulation databases on We developed a US Supreme Court Center, with all of the US Supreme Court decisions with at We also have free community tools, including legal services & lawyer directory, blawg directory and legal twitter directory.

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"Small Business Digital Marketing Survival Kit"

whitePaper | November 15, 2019

Sometimes surviving means knowing the difference between what’s time-honored wisdom and what’s just a tall tale. For example, some people think you can survive online with just a website or a Facebook page. Some people believe getting to the top of the search results is harder than making a fire with wet matches. The truth is, if you pack your digital survival kit with the right gear, you can do more than can thrive.

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Small Business Planning During COVID-19

whitePaper | April 2, 2020

This report by the IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) Small Business Committee shares professional insight to help small businesses respond to the coronavirus emergency. With an emphasis on cash flows considerations, the report provides guidance on how small businesses can apply a three-step assess-build-communicate (ABC) recovery planning framework which includes:

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5 Productivity Tips Every Small Business Needs to Know

whitePaper | June 21, 2021

As an entrepreneur, starting a new business is exciting. Backed by the support of a close-knit team, you face new challenges every day and you put in the hours to make your business work. But your time may be taken up by rote tasks, leaving you less time to acquire new prospects and care for your existing customer relationships.

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COVID-19 and Technology Adoption in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

whitePaper | December 15, 2021

This report uncovers the impact the pandemic has had on SMEs’ attitude to Industry 4.0 technologies. It highlights the barriers and the corresponding policies of the SMEs they have to overcome in achieving a wider adoption of digital technology.

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The ultimate guide to being cash flow positive and maintaining profitability

whitePaper | May 24, 2021

One of the biggest challenges small business owners face is maintaining a positive cash flow. The problem is, many aren’t managing and reporting on it in the first place. How do you manage cash flow that allows you to predict expenses, payments and forecasted sales?

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The Essential VAT Guide for SMEs in the UK

whitePaper | October 13, 2021

That’s why we partnered with Osome, an online accounting provider. Their industry-leading accounting software and dedicated qualified accountants help businesses stay compliant and keep as much of their hard-earned cash as possible.

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Justia works on free legal information projects. Justia is involved in online public interest projects, legal aid, civil rights, free legal and consumer information and educational projects. We have free case law, statutes and regulation databases on We developed a US Supreme Court Center, with all of the US Supreme Court decisions with at We also have free community tools, including legal services & lawyer directory, blawg directory and legal twitter directory.
