How can small businesses optimize cash flow?

July 16, 2022

How can small businesses optimize cash flow?
Managing its cash flow is critical for every company to survive in these turbulent times. For many, it is the key to success and survival, given that over 61% of small businesses struggle with managing their cash flow.


Frederick Mountain Group, LLC

We are results-oriented. What sets FMG apart from other consulting companies is our customizable approach to business development. There are many paths to success and your business's path may not look exactly the same as the business down the road. We use a unique evaluation process that works to help you, the business owner, discover or rediscover, your business's purpose. The most effective way to help you grow your business is through setting goals that reflect your business's persona. ​

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Remote work culture: What's in it for small businesses

whitePaper | July 31, 2022

Due to its cost-effectiveness, remote work has a unique appeal for start-ups and small businesses. Working remotely also helps employees to be more productive and maintain a good work-life balance.

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Future Readiness of SMEs- Mobilizing the SME Sector to Drive Widespread Sustainability and Prosperity

whitePaper | November 30, 2021

This report uncovers the set of organizational capabilities and orientations needed for SMEs to become future ready. It also highlights a series of best practices from SMEs leading the way in terms of future readiness. The paper builds on an in-depth analysis of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and the engagement of more than 300 chief executive officers and founders of SMEs.

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The Secret To Cybersecurity For Small Businesses

whitePaper | April 1, 2021

Protect your business against advanced attacks with the right combination of technology, people and processes. While much of the reporting on cyberattacks focuses on large companies, the truth is that small businesses are not immune.

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Small Business Planning During COVID-19

whitePaper | April 2, 2020

This report by the IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) Small Business Committee shares professional insight to help small businesses respond to the coronavirus emergency. With an emphasis on cash flows considerations, the report provides guidance on how small businesses can apply a three-step assess-build-communicate (ABC) recovery planning framework which includes:

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Accelerating Digital Payments in Latin America and the Caribbean

whitePaper | May 20, 2022

Digital payments play an important role in financial inclusion. Research shows that when people have access to digital payments, these act as a gateway to other financial services, like credit and insurance; and people are more likely to use those services to save money, start or expand businesses, manage risk and better sustain financial shocks.4 Digital payments also allow governments to disburse resources to more of their unbanked populations than they would using cash. Micro-, small and mediumsized enterprises (MSMEs) greatly benefit from the use of digital payments as it allows them to attract more customers and bring their business online, creating opportunities to sell beyond their immediate geography

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SMP: A World Of Opportunity For Gen Z? Attracting New Generation Talent

whitePaper | June 14, 2021

The opportunity for small and medium sized practices to grow in today’s business environment is unprecedented. Adoption of digital accounting tools, changing client expectations and business models are deeply transforming all aspects of SMPs. With the flexibility and creativity to match the velocity of change and adapt to the rapidly evolving demands of the client, SMPs have the potential to drive the progress and transformation of the industry as a whole. But are they adopting the right talent attraction strategies when it comes to Gen Z?

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Frederick Mountain Group, LLC

We are results-oriented. What sets FMG apart from other consulting companies is our customizable approach to business development. There are many paths to success and your business's path may not look exactly the same as the business down the road. We use a unique evaluation process that works to help you, the business owner, discover or rediscover, your business's purpose. The most effective way to help you grow your business is through setting goals that reflect your business's persona. ​
