TechConnect WV hosts online boot camp for small business owners

TechConnect West Virginia, the Small Business Innovation Research and the Small Business Technology Transfer hosted a free online boot camp Tuesday evening. The online event provided information on how to apply for grants through the federally funded, small innovation research program. Executive Director of TechConnect West Virginia, Anne Barth explained that this is a time for small businesses to learn and develop. “It��s a good time for some small businesses to be developing research and development proposals and then when the economy gets going again, they’ll be ready to go in a new direction and launch some new research leading to a new product, a new service or new technology,” said Anne Barth, Executive Director of TechConnect West Virginia. The grant money is non-dilutive, early stage funding that is available to small businesses who will conduct research for the federal government. Officials explained that those who are working from home, and have a little extra time on their hands, it’s the perfect time to write proposals and research what loan works best for their businesses.


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