
Intuit QuickBooks Launched Two Fintech Solutions for Small Business Employees

Two Fintech Solutions
Intuit QuickBooks announced the launch of two new solutions designed to enable small businesses and their employees faster access to their money and hence more cash flow flexibility. QuickBooks Get Paid Upfront enables qualifying QuickBooks Online users to avoid waiting for payment on outstanding bills and put their earned money to work more quickly. QuickBooks Early Pay enables eligible employees who are paid through QuickBooks Online Payroll to receive instant1 access to their funds between paydays.

Get Paid Upfront is a simple, hassle-free process that works around a company owner's schedule. With Get Paid Early, small companies may now ask for an upfront advance of money from one or more qualified invoices, up to a total of $30,000.

Get Paid Upfront is built for speed. The customer experience is integrated from start to finish, with QuickBooks handling eligibility, funding, and payback. Get Paid Upfront simplifies the processes associated with third-party invoice finance, allowing small businesses to obtain money faster.

QuickBooks Early Pay is a new feature inside QuickBooks Online Payroll that allows employees to access funds between paydays. With Early Pay, a qualified employee may apply for cash tailored to their pay history to assist offset unexpected bills or relieve financial stress. This money is available instantly1 or within 1-2 business days. No changes to the books or payroll are required by employers to use Early Pay in QuickBooks Online Payroll.

Both Get Paid Upfront and Early Pay make extensive use of QuickBooks' extensive financial services experience, which includes payment processing, payroll, and capital access.

Get Paid Upfront4 is now accessible to qualifying QuickBooks small company clients nationwide, thanks to a partnership between Intuit QuickBooks and WebBank, the lender of both Early Pay and Get Paid Upfront. It combines WebBank's experience in creative lending solutions with Intuit's tradition of leading money mobility.


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